


DTBLAZE for NonStop™ SQL
Genus Fast Extractor/Aggregator Engine for NonStop™ SQL
Genus Data Mining Tools for NonStop™ SQL
Database Management Tool
Resource Center
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DTBLAZE for NonStop™ SQL

DTBLAZE contains rich, easy and convenient toolkit to move data into and out of NonStop Server fast, efficiently and in parallel without disrupting other online applications.


Genus Fast Data Extractor and Aggregator Engine for NonStop™ SQL

Essential to any effective campaign management/data mining/analytics application is the creation process of restructured data set. Restructured data is a subset of data derived from the NonStop SQL database and is in a “ready to use” format by campaign management application such as DoubleClick Ensemble and others. The High performance Extraction and Aggregation Engine built by Genus does excellent job of creating the restructured data set.


Genus Data Mining Tools for NonStop™ SQL

At the heart of an HP ZLE solution is a ZLE Data Store that contains integrated and current data from across an enterprise. This data store, which resides in a NonStop™ SQL database on an HP NonStop™ Server platform, is the source data that is prepared for modeling. After a data set has been prepared, it is transferred out of the ZLE Data Store to an HP Tru64 Alpha, HP UX, or Windows ProLiant server for model building in SAS Enterprise Miner. The models built in SAS Enterprise Miner are then deployed back into a ZLE Data Store for use by ZLE applications and operational systems.

The ZLE data mining process is lengthy and iterative, involving the specification and execution of complex SQL statements for data preparation, and the transfer of data across platforms and systems. To mitigate the complexity inherent in the process, and to reduce the end-to-end cycle times, HP and Genus Software have assembled two toolset, which leverages other partner products from SAS and MicroStrategy. There are two tools in this category,


Database Management Tool

Design and Maintainence of NonStop SQL databases for peak performance has become a daily operational necessity. Analyzing and administering the system manually is an inefficient use of your staff's valuable time and talent. Genus Software has developed a tool called dba/m® database manager for HP NonStop™ SQL database. Genus dba/m® database manager is a graphical user interface (GUI) to help you perform critical database operations. For detail click following link,




